Every Autumn since the mid 80’s I have spent a weekend with Friends in a caravan park at Hunstanton, Norfolk.
This year, the 30 somethingth time we have done this was different, in that we were no longer going to Hunstanton, but to a campsite near Trimmingham, forty five minutes further round the coast, and in an area where there aren’t that many caches.5th November 2017 – The Woodland Dinosaur GC64Y9B – cache #4465
This cache was just next to the campsite gate, why they have a rusting metal dinosaur there I don’t know.
I found this cache with Angel78 and Joanie the muggle
Easy to find though when I found it the cache was not where the hint would lead you to expect
5th November 2017 – Bamboozled GC73Y4V – cache #4466
Out from the campsite we went up the access track, over the road and down the footpath opposite to find the sea, and stopped off for the cache.
As you might expect from the name it was hidden in bamboo, wild bamboo growing not in Chinese Panda country, but on the coast in Norfolk. The cache was easy to find once I’d moved my feet (I was stood on it)
5th November 2017 – The Plantagenet Cache GC62N06 – cache #4467
We carried on our walk along the coast until we came to the next cache hidden at the fork of the path in the fork of a tree.