Caches No’s 2378 to 2383 – Grid Filling in Woods, Pubs and Sewage Works

Flushed with success from filling my first month with green squares I decided to carry on and fill in March as well. The weather hadn’t got a right lot better, spring looked like it was never going to come, cold and wet and muddy, not the sort of conditions I would go caching in unless I really had to – and filling empty dates is about the only reason to go caching in poor weather
So I was glad that there were a few Pub events coming up that counted as ‘finds’ for the grid, were on the right dates – and were dry and warm !

1st March 2013 – It’s All in the Letters GC254VE – cache #2378
I solved this puzzle must be two and a half years ago now, but although the cache is only seven miles from home and on a road I often drive down it is just a little too far from the sensible car parking spot to the cache coordinates for this to be a cache and dash.

So it was this morning that I made the conscious effort to go and find this cache, and when I got there I quickly realised that the logical approach route wasn’t the right one and had to try again… and like others before found a structure that I hadn’t known was there before. The cache was then quickly retrieved.

4th March 2013 – Cocking Culvert GC35BAJ – cache #2379
I had a space on the calendar grid to fill, so I stopped off for this as I was driving past… I did have to go out of my way to be driving past, but I had to fill the space in the grid !


8th March 2013 – Sewage View. GC46DG2 – cache #2380
This cache is on a private road through the sewage works, a ‘Private Road’ that is like the M25 when it is School kicking out time… I reckon that if you live on Tranmere park and send your kids to Woodhouse Grove School as a benefit for your fees you must get a card to open the barrier – because obviously if you can afford Private School fees you are far too important to have to drive round the normal roads with the plebs…
The cache itself is a typical GrayGlove cache and the location obvious when you know how his hides work


9th March 2013 – Vivjay67’s first event GC45JQK – cache #2381
Hmmm… Man City playing in the cup at the same time as the event… what to do ? miss the football ? miss the event ?
I decided it was best to miss neither, so while it might have seemed that I was late for the event, in fact I had been at the other end of the pub watching the Football ! (yes, there are other things in life other than Geocaching !)

Having an aversion to caching in inclement weather an event is the perfect way to enjoy geocaching in comfort, always great to spend time chatting about geocaches… it’s probably a bit like old soldiers discussing their war stories !


12th March 2013 – Buck Wood, Dawson Wood No.2 – Buck Wood Stones GC46XET – cache #2382
A short lunchtime walk in the woods… a straightforward cache to find, given that it is hidden near this carved stone ‘landmark’, and a most useful paperclip hidden with the cache to remove the log. Another calendar square filled


16th March 2013 – Mad March Meet V GC45NMY – cache #2383
The third of these local ‘Mad March Meets’ that I have gone too, and since last year I have got to know many more local cachers so I didn’t feel like an outsider this year.
There were some new caches put out for the event, but the people who went to find them came back covered in mud so I passed !


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