31st December 2012 – Gateway to the Gate GC40H8F – cache #2350
This was my 950th and final cache of 2012 – and curiously enough has exactly the same co-ordinates as the last cache I did in 2011 – the now archived Moor The Merrier GC36YT8 (whose pot forms a ‘red herring’ for this cache).
The cache wasn’t that hard to find as it is in plain sight and easily accessible – if you manouevred your car to the right position next to the gate you could just reach out of the window and get the cache !
950 caches makes 2012 my best year for caching so far, I beat 2010’s total of 801 while I was in Hunstanton at the beginning of November and the 95 caches on the Beswick Basic Batch and Jumpstart The Second Big Bang bumped up the numbers greatly in December.
I am expecting that in 2013 I will beat both the 100 caches in a day mark and the 1,000 caches in a year target
The photo shows the gate a in a bit bleaker conditions than last years mist