While I was out walking the Ledsham and Fairburn series the previous afternoon I got a text from a young lady saying she wanted to go to the Seaside. Well, I couldn’t disappoint her and tus the next day, Easter Sunday, we went off to Whitby for the day.
Whitby is not a good town for caches, it would seem that someone has a grudge against them as they are almost all missing, and quickly go missing again when replaced.
The next day, Easter Monday, was dull and wet, but I went caching anyway !
April 8th 2012 – On the road to Fortune GC2Y591 – cache #1565
This one was the only cache in existence in Whitby on the day I visited, it had been missing, was replaced during the week before, but went missing again a couple of days after I was there. In a part of the town where I don’t normally go so I got a different view of the harbour than usual
April 8th 2012 – Robin Hood’s Bay GC11MY0 – cache #1566
Whitby was full, very full, so we decided to pop down the coast a few miles to Robin Hood’s Bay, and while my friend sat on the sea front eating an ice cream I wondered up the cliff path to find this cache
April 9th 2012 – Lucy’s Locket GC310AV – cache #1567
Easter Monday, and I headed over to Keighley to grab a few caches in places that are busy during normal working times – even on Sundays a lot of the places I was going would be busy, but holiday times and poor weather made it ideal for getting about unobserved.
The first cache I looked for was on the canal bank, and I had to wait for quite a lot of people and a boat to pass before I could search out the cache, which was well disguised in the litter dumped at the side of the towpath
April 9th 2012 – Vorny’s Vault GC2TZZQ – cache #1568
Another cache on the canal side, this one took me a while to find as although I was searching the right tree I was subconsciously looking for a cache under a rock, this was just in a plastic bag and looked like litter
April 9th 2012 – Travel Bug Hotel – A650 South GC36ATE – cache #1569
A cache hidden in a bush a few yards up the verge from a layby, and easy find as the hint described it exactly
April 9th 2012 – The Tin Man Is Alive And “Wells” GC24JV9 – cache #1570
This took some finding as it’s a non-magnetic nano hidden in gravel at the base of a fencepost… a fencepost by the gates of a factory that is overlooked by a CCTV camera… fortunately on an Easter Monday afternoon the factory was shut and there was no-one about to see me grovelling in the dirt !
April 9th 2012 – Gorse Blimey! GC399GA – cache #1571
This isn’t a very big gorse bush, but has a surprisingly large cache hidden underneath its branches
April 9th 2012 – Find the Attraction GC399FK – cache #1572
This cache is difficult to get to, being in the middle of a hawthorn hedge in a bramble patch in a bog, and once you get ther it doesn’t get much easier… It’s a long tube cable tied to the bush with a magnetic cache inside… and a magnet to use to slide the cache up an out of the tube… but the magnets are weak and the cable ties mean you have to carefully slide the outside magnets over them or you lose the attraction and the inner cache drops back down…. took me a few attempts before I got it out
April 9th 2012 – Gratuity Reverberator GC3AR7B – cache #1573
This cache has deliberately inaccurate co-ordinates with a description that says you can see the cache from the co-ords… well I agree, you can, took me no time at all to spot hwat was out of place and thus hiding the cache
April 9th 2012 – Off Yer Trolley – Keighley 1 GC1PDMP – cache #1574
A magnetic nano on a signpost… easy to find
April 9th 2012 – Beechcliffe Footpath GC343XT – cache #1575
A dark hole in a wall to put your hand in and try to remove this cache – which is difficult as it’a almost as big as the opening to the hole
April 9th 2012 – Travel Bug Hotel – A650 North GC3DYPK – cache #1576
There was another car in the layby with a young lad in it, so I parked next to him, got out of the car and wandered around pretending to be on my mobile phone, I’ve no idea what he was doing there but within a minute he had driven off
April 9th 2012 – TCTC GC361JZ – cache #1577
A small cache, hidden in the roots of a tree covered by a rock. More difficult sometimes as the tree is on the side of a busy road where a lot of people would also be walking past at times, but at teatime on a dull Easter monday there was little traffic and no passers-by
April 9th 2012 – Where’s Buddy? GC38B02 – cache #1578
I’ve done two or three caches like this, sample tubes sealed with a bottle cap so it looks like litter on the ground.
This was more amusing than most as it was hidden in some trees down a little driveway and while I was signing the log a teenage couple came along and started canoodling… they were rather shocked when I appeared out of the trees beside them !
April 9th 2012 – 101 Frustrations GC3E2HW – cache #1579
A large container with 101 film tubs in, only one of which was the real cache. It wasn’t as hard as it should have been as only the real cache had the paper inside secured with an elastic band and this was in a white tub, so you could actually see it was different to the rest… Guess what ? it went back in a Black film tub… let everyone else have to open them all to find it !
April 9th 2012 – Graincliffe View GC38YNZ – cache #1580
This would have been quick drive by if I had read the description and hadn’t ended up 6 feet from the cache on the wrong side of the barbed wire fence, as it was I had to walk 200 yards back to the car then climb the stile and walk almost back to where I had been.