Sunday morning and I had to go to the Supermarket to do a bit of shopping, so I took the long way home and grabbed a few caches on the way. It had been raining and was likely to be muddy underfoot so I decided to try a new load of caches that had been put out along a back road just outside Ilkley
30th October 2011 – Cocking Lane GC35BA0 – cache #1338
The first of these was by the sign that maybe shows that this used to be a ‘lover’s lane’, and according to the description was the inspiration for the caches, in that it was too good a road name to pass up on !
30th October 2011 – 18 Signs Junction GC35BAM – cache #1339
There are 6 caches on this road, but unfortunately 3 of them seemed to have nowhere sensible nearby to park, and another was overlooked by a house with people milling about so I wasn’t going to stop and start poking about in their hedge… so I had to go on to the last one in the series, a cache on a crossroads of two very minor roads… and I counted 19 signs altogether… ridiculous !
30th October 2011 – The Wise Owl GC35D7E – cache #1340
Not having spent as much time on these caches as I expected I drove back to the Chevin to do some new caches that had appeared in the Danefield Forest Park. The Wise owl is a tree stump carving at the junction of three paths.. the description for the cache says that the owl can see the cache with it’s 360° vision, so you know that it is not too far from the owl, and somewhat behind it. Trouble was the trees were causing poor GPS reception and there is an awful lot of ground that is visible form the owl !
In the end I had to use a triangulation method, going out to the path where I had better GPS reception and taking a bearing/distance, then going to another bit of path where the GPS was okay and doing the same… then where these bearings crossed was the cache… which turned out to be in a place I had already considered and decided against the cache being there.
30th October 2011 – El Amigos (Tres) GC36EN6 – cache #1341
I was walking along the path to the cache site and found I was being followed by a chap and his young son… so I wandered off the path over to the wall to look at the wind turbine in the next field trying to let them past so I could start the search – only to be asked whether I was looking for a geocache. Nice to meet Local Lad 7 on the trail.
Cache was quickly found signed and replaced
30th October 2011 – El Amigos Dos GC36EZ6 – cache #1342
I had to make a decision which path to go on to get to this cache as there are many trails through the woods, in the end the first path I set off on turned out to be a dead end, well it went so far and then I got to the tractor that the rangers use for tree felling, and from there I had to blaze my own way back to a main path, and then I got to a spot where I could choose to walk down one side of the fence or the other… strangely enough I chose the wrong side for the cache… which meant I had to climb through the fence to get to it, but maybe climbing through the fence was easier than pushing through the trees fro the path on the other side, I know this wasn’t too easy as I heard Local Lad 7 and his son fighting their way back to the path on their side as I was approaching the co-ordinates.