15th July 2011 – Blythe services TB hotel GC2PK2Y – cache # 1299
I was on my way down to Norfolk for the annual camping weekend with my friends (see caches 52-59 and 620-630 for the previous years) and it was blooming hot in the car and I needed a ‘comfort break’ so I pulled in to Blyth Services (note the correct spelling !) for a rest stop. After buying an ice cream I ate it wandering through the car park to get to this cache. There is something that seems a little wrong about a cache hidden past a sign that says ‘Private Property’ but obviously according to the rules all cache hides have to have the permission of the land-owner so it must be alright !
15th July 2011 – A-Road Anarchy A1 Junction 34 (Blyth) GC16ADG – cache # 1300
My 1,300th cache, a nice easy drive by in a town bypassed by the A1, actually it wasn’t as easy as it could be because a) there is nowhere to park and b) it is hidden under a low growing tree so you have to almost crawl in to get it
16th July 2011 – Off yer trolley (Downham Market) GC1VTCY – cache # 1301
Saturday of the camping weekend, and I had plans to go and do a whole set of caches, but unfortunately it was raining and pouring – so I gave up on that idea. We still went ahead with the barbecue though as it brightened up in the afternoon, so we had to go to the supermarket and get some barbecue provisions… and while we were there Beanie 28 found the cache while Hublander and I watched on…
17th July 2011 – Skeg to Ness #1 GC21VGY – cache # 1302
Four days ago I was at Ness on The Wirral finding the final cache of the Skeg to Ness series, so it only seemed fitting that on my way home from the weekend away I took a diversion to Skegness to find the first of the series. Finding somewhere to park (for free) in Skeggy was difficult, even on a Sunday with unsettled weather. I had to park several streets back from the seafront and walk. The cache is hidden in a fairly public place, but it was easy enough to do the shoelace tying trick, swipe the cache, retreat to a suitable bench to sign the log then repeat the shoelace tying trick to put it back in place.
The photograph (the headline shot) is not really near where the cache is, but the Jolly Sailor is the symbol of the town and is perhaps a nicer image than a magnetic keysafe !
17th July 2011 – Skeg to Ness #3 GC21VH3 – cache # 1303
Hidden in the bottom of a tree at the side of the road just outside Skegness is this cache. Like most of the STN caches ti’s reason for beong there is just because there is somewhere to park nearby – and at least this time there was a sensible place to park, not just the end of somebodies drive !
After this cache I broke out into a fever, probably something to do with camping in the rain ! so I didn’t bother stopping to find any other caches on the way back.