22nd February 2011 – Baildon Bridge GC2NN0Y – cache #1010
Another new cache… it was Tuesday lunchtime and the cache had been hidden on Sunday, only two people had been to it before I got there.
The clue was a little confusing in that there was a large sign nearby that seemed to match one interpretation of the clue – in fact the previous finders had commented on this in their logs too. However it didn’t take me long to see where the only place the cache could be hidden was… and it was soon in my hands and photographed and signed.
The only problem then was that I had to put it back and there was someone coming so I was rushing to get it hidden away while not appearing to be doing anything to the guy walking towards me… and I obviously didn’t get the cache back correctly as it fell onto the floor and rolled about 6 inches awy from me… unfortunately 6 inches away from me was off the wall that is the river bank at this point and the cache fell 4 feet down into the water and sank out of site to a watery grave.
I logged what had happened and the cache owner was nice about it and has replaced it with the added security of a length of fishing line to stop it from falling out again, though whether this makes it more visible and more likely to be vandalised I don’t know.
It was only when I was walking back to my car that I realised what the correct interpretation of the clue was, probably easier for people to get it right if they don’t know the area, as those who do will be distracted by the local landmark as myself and the earlier cachers were