On Saturday night more new caches were published, placed in Lister Park on the edge of Bradford, this was bound to provoke the FTF hunters out to get these new caches, indeed I was a little surprised that there wasn’t someone out in the midnight hour hunting them with a torch… but maybe the park isn’t too good a place to go after dark.
10th October 2010 – Botanical Gardens GC2EXHP – cache #849
As it was the caches were not found until shortly after 7:00am, at that time I was watching the Japanese Grand Prix… more important to me than FTF’s ! It was after 10 before I got to the caches and there had been more than one person their before me.
This first cache in the park was obvious from quite a way away as long as you knew where to look and what to look for.
10th October 2010 – Red Or Grey GC2F7JR – cache #850
Another of the magnetic false bolts that I first saw a couple of weeks previously, the red or grey refers to two metal boxes a post office one and a Electric company one that are stood next to each other, the question is which box hides the cache ? a quick bend down to tie my shoe lace confirmed that there was an unecessary bolt sticking out of the grey box, and that was the cache
10th October 2010 – Mister Lister GC2GBBQ – cache #851
An excellent hide, hidden in full view and it even says on it what it is ! I got to the co-ordinates, saw the cache and ignored it thinking it was what it prestends to be, just a label on an gray electric supply box, I searched all around even put my hand on it, but couldn’t find the cache.
It was only when I stood back and looked that I saw that the label actually had a GC code number and the hiders name on it, behind the label is a magnetic box which holds the cache log.
10th October 2010 – The Band Played on… GC2GE8Z – cache #852
Another magnetic cache hidden behind another grey electric supply box, took me a while to find it as I was looking around the outside of the bandstand, whereas the cache is on the inside !
10th October 2010 – Norman Arch GC2EJR0 – cache #853
I’m not sure how this cache remains un-noticed by the public, as it is not in a particularly hidden spot, being a reasonably large black container magnetically fastened to the main gates of the park
10th October 2010 – Heaton Woods Trust GCRXYT – cache #854
Just up the road form the park is this cache, which you expect to be in woodland, but although it is under trees they are just trees at the corner of a field wall.
The cache itslef is quite large and hidden by some big stones in an area of lots of big stones… easy to spot which the right stones are though as they are the ones with chips and scrapes on where they get moved a lot.
10th October 2010 – Crackin’ view GC25EJJ – cache #855
Another cache in a Bradford park, this timne Peel park, took me a while to find as I was going by the description and hint which said a magnetic key safe, which I assumed was going to be fastened to some railings, if I had read the logs I would have found that it had been changed to a nano, which I did eventually spot hidden on the underside of an information board
10th October 2010 – Wrose Wreck GC2BGJ9 – cache #856
The wreck in this case is a Recreation ground, I had heard my mother talking about playing on the wreck in her youth enough times to not be fooled about the reference. Although there was a Sunday League football game going on and plenty of dog walkers as well I had no problem finding the cache under a bench, which at least was a convenient place to sit and sign the log.
10th October 2010 – All Alone – Direction Post GC2BGKQ – cache #857
I don’t approve of caches like this. It is hidden in a false rock which is in the garden of a private house, although the owner of the house is fully aware and happy to have it there, it must look suspicious to his neighbours to have lots of strangers coming along and searching in the local gardens, I mean just because I found the right garden first time does not mean every one would !
After this I couldn’t find GC2BGKC All Alone – Communications Post, it is hidden according to the hint low down on the fence around a communications mast, the problem is the bottom of the fence is just a mass of brambles, and I had no gloves and no mirror to help me locate it – so I left it for another day
10th October 2010 – All Alone – Starting Post GC2BGK1 – cache #858
An easy find being hidden on the back of the street sign for a street called ‘Starting Post’ not sure what started here though !