More caches appeared over the weekend that were within my lunchtime radius, so Monday lunchtime I took the empty bottles to the local recycling centre, as next to this there was
27th September 2010 – Suki’s fourth adventure GC2FT83 – cache #821
A nice easy magnetic cache hidden in the barrier across a footpath, and a First To Find for me – some people take lots of pride in FTF’s, I honestly can’t remember how many FTF’s I’ve found, I think this was my 5th
28th September 2010 – Suki’s second adventure GC2FDBT – cache #822
Next day I went to find this cache in a little park in Yeadon, I would have been FTF here as well if I had lunch 5 minutes earlier, but when I got there there was a girl I recognised standing in the trees exactly where the cache should be, I say I recognised her, it was her coat I recognised as I had seen it on Sunday at the Graham’s Rest cache when again I had to walk past and wait for her to finish before I could go and get the cache. This is a relatively easy one, hidden in ivy around the base of a tree
28th September 2010 – Suki’s third adventure GC2FPQJ – cache #823
A couple of streets away is another park and another tree with another cache in the roots and branches at it’s base. Suki, in case you are wondering, is a cat belonging to the cache setter, a cat who apparently wanders all around the area these caches are hidden in
30th September 2010 – PINFOLD GC2FZX7 – cache #824
Thursday and at teatime a new cache popped up on my computer in the 5 mile zone, looked to be an easy one to find, being in a urban part of Ilkley – so on the way home from the gym I decided to take a detour and go and look for it, now I knew where it was from looking at Google maps, but it was in a part of town I don’t really know, but I didn’t have a GPS with me, so had to wander the streets for a bit until I found the right location. Finding the cache was actually quite easy as there was a bright security light on one of the nearby buildings and on the shadow of an old gatepost there was a little bit under the gate hinge that shouldn’t be there, the shadow of a magnetic nano.
As it had only been published a couple of hours earlier I was not surprised that this was my next (6th ?) FTF