9th June 2010 – Fantasy World Cup GC2A02F – My Cache #2
Having cleared all the caches around where I work I had nothing left to do at lunchtimes… so I decided that I had better hide a cache or two. Driving along the road I have seen a footpath that goes off into an area devoid of caches so I decided that would be a good place to start looking for a spot to place a cache.
One lunchtime I parked at the end of the footpath and walked up it and found it went up the hill and then along the side of a golf course – now having done caches alongside golf courses before and spent 15 minutes finding more golf balls than caches I decided that I didn’t want to plant it as far along the path as that so I came back towards the car and found a suitable place – between a small tree and a low wall, well covered by foliage and I covered the cache further with a stone.
I had been toying with the idea for a puzzle cache of having it allied to the world cup, with the description being just a list of footballers names in a fantasy world cup team, an easy puzzle requiring just wikipedia to sort out the answer. So I did my own research on wikipedia and came up with my team, and published the cache a couple of days before the tournament started.
I did have an email that evening with the correct co-ordinates on asking me to verify them, but it took a couple more days for the FTF to be taken.
I have a load of 35mm film cannisters, I’m thinking of getting some set up as caches so I can carry them around and place them wherever I find a suitable spot, as my ratio of 550 caches hid to 2 placed seems a little lax !