25th May 2010 – Janet and John go caching GC28ZV9 – cache #527
So, Sunday afternoon I had cleared all the five caches in Buck Wood, a whole swathe of the geocaching.com map turned from green sandwich boxes to smiley faces.
Then next day there’s a new green sandwich box appeared in the middle of it !
While I was finding the caches someone else was hiding a new one…. so next lunchtime I went back to the wood to find it.
I knew I wasn’t going to be the First to Find when I got close to the cache site and found that every log and stone had been turned over, so I turned them all over again until I found the log with the cache.
25th May 2010 – Curse of the FTF Wharfedale #15 The Toll Bridge GC28GNW – cache #528
This cache had been published about a week before, but no-one had been to find it, presumably all the locals had done their turn at the curse of the FTF’s and so had to hold back.
Anyway somebody eventually went and found it, so on my way home I went to find it as well.
There is a ledge around the outdie of the retaining wall of the bridge and the cache is under this, so you have somewhere to sit and fill in the log, it’s a very noisy place with the cars going past you just the thickness of the wall away, but you can’t be seen.
27th May 2010 – Shipley Glen Tramway GC1DJ6T – cache #529
This is a puzzle cache, the puzzle being to do with characters on the entranceway to the Shipley Glen Tramway station.
Googling for a picture of the station soon came up with the right answer so I had the co-ordinates before I set off for another lunchtime cache.
The cache is in a wooded area, but there is a clearing just where it is so GPS coverage ain’t too bad
The cache itself was in the third place I looked… behind tree, largest hole in the wall, second largest hole in the wall… aah there it is. It’s one of the false stones, made a bit obvious as it had been put back by the last visitors with the opening bit to the front. (you can possibly see what I mean in the headline picture, the opening is obviously a straight line from one end of the stone where the lid slides off)
I put it back the other way so it looks more like just a stone…
28th May 2010 – Oakie DoakesĀ GC1GCPH – Cache #530
Friday, and another lunchtime caching session, to park only a hundred yards or so down the road from the place I parked yesterday.
This time I was climbing up a steep hill to find a cache at an oak tree… thing is there are a whole grove of oak trees, but the co-ordinates led me to the right one, and there in the roots, hidden by a stone, was a 35mm film cannister.