10th May 2010 – The Weston World, The Weston Walk GC14F0A – cache #469
I did the feeder caches for this 6 weeks or so ago, but couldn’t find this cache as it had seemingly disappeared down a rabbit hole. As it had been replaced the day before I thought a quick evenings caching was called for to show appreciation for the hider by logging it straight away.
It was inside a hollow tree which had at least two rabbit holes in it, now it’s under some rocks at the side of the tree
10th May 2010 – Stuck in Askwith? – PAF! GC286HB – cache #470
When I had been at the Mad March Cache Meet I had overheard a conversation about a cache that was hidden inside a fake snail shell (well a real snail shell, but one that had a cache rather than a snail in it)
When I walked over to the place this cache was, a bench next to a telephone box I saw a snail shell that looked far too clean (I think it’s a marine snail rather than a garden snail shell) so I found the cache straight away – other people say they had looked for a long time before finding it, magnetically stuck to the bottom rear of the phone box
10th May 2010 – Curse of the FTF Wharfedale #14 GC286FW – cache #471
A newly placed cache in the series, a nice walk down from the village through fields of sheep and lambs and an easy to spot cache. The hard part was getting it out of it’s hiding place which was in a fork of a trunk with several branches, and there was no easy way to get it out. In the end I had to resort to putting my hand in a narrow crack and throwing the cache out of a higher up bigger one that there was no way of getting my hand in to grab the cache from outside. Then when I’d signed the log I just dropped it back through the big crack.
10th May 2010 – Flash Bang Wallop (What A Picture) GC1J0FT – cache #472
I looked for this cache one day last summer and couldn’t find it because the area was totally overgrown with huge leaved plants… fortunately it’s early enough in the year for there to be no vegetation issues and I found the cache quite easily – though it was in near darkness.
11th May 2010 – Operation Purple Knight: Waypoint Alpha GC1KBC7 – cache #473
A bit of fast walking across the moors to get to this cache in a lunchtime, it’s a couple of miles away from where I work and almost half a mile from where I could park my car. The cache seemingly is just dumped in the vegetation on the moor, but is a huge container so there’s no real problem finding it. It contains the co-ordinates to the next cache.
11th May 2010 – Operation Purple Knight: Waypoint Bravo GC1KBD3 – cache #474
Fortunately when I punched in the co-ordinates for this cache it was only 10 yards off the path on my way back to the car, so it only added two or three minutes to my trip. Easy enough to find being under a small pile of rocks by a wall.
12th May 2010 – In’t Wood GCTV4W – cache #475
This cache hadn’t been found for 15 months (Feb last year) – though only one DNF had been logged (in March this year). I had been to have a quick look for it before though without GPS and just going on where it looked to be from the google map I didn’t really have much chance of finding a well disguised cache.
It took about 10 minutes to find it, in a false topped post that appears to be a fence support.
The log was sodden so I couldn’t sign it, but I took it’s picture and will return with a new log for it and hopefully it’s status as an active cache will be revived.
12th May 2010 -Pool Bank Quarry GC1D5YV – cache #476
A pleasant evening, and I had an hour or so to spare so I thought more local caches needed clearing up.
The instructions for this one said ‘follow the path’ trouble is you follow the path to the edge of the wood, then inside the wood the path splits into five paths, with no obvious ‘main’ one to follow, so I had to choose one then do a bit of scrambling about through the trees when I found it was the wrong one.
The cache is hidden in a hole in an old embankment wall… I don’t think that the wall is too safe, if someone stood on top of it the whole lot would come down. Fortunately there was no-one stood on top of it
12th May 2010 -Avenue Des Hirondelles GC155V2 – cache #477
The Avenue Des Hirondelles is a privae drive with several large houses on it that are accessed through this ornamental ‘French’ style gateway with Avenue Des Hirondelles carved into it. The cache is hidden in a pile of rubbish round the side of one of the gates, even posh people just dump their garden rubbish out of sight so it seems.
12th May 2010 -LBA BUG HOTEL GC541A – cache #478
Almost dark by now, I pulled off the road in a place where I have seen other cars but that has never seemed too safe to me. Still, there was nowhere else nearby to park.
There wer a couple of inquisitive horses in the field that I had to walk through to the cache site, they came over to me when I enterred the field, followed me right across the field and then when I had done the cache and was returning to the car they followed me all the way back
12th May 2010 -Not Quite The Long Stoop am I in Carlton or Yeadon GC1GXZ0 – cache #479
It was by now totally dark and I walked the quarter mile from where I parked in the darkness, when I got to the cache site I used my torch to find the cache. This was the cache mentioned earlier that I had overheard the conversation about at the Mad March Meet – so I was expecting to find a snail shell hiding the cache… what I wasn’t expecting was that to get it I had to put my arm through the railings and reach down under the deck of the bridge I was on to retrieve it… my arms weren’t all that much thinner than the gap between railings so it was not as easy as it could have been.
After this cache I went to the pub.
13th May 2010 -Archie’s Walk #10 – Whitehouse GC1HHEM – cache #480
Another lunchtime cache, another one that I had looked for before and failed to find (mainly cos again I had looked with only the position on goole maps and the hint to guide me – and under an overhanging rock is not much of a hint when you are in an area with lots of them !)
With the benefit of a GPS it was easy to spot which rock and to get the cache.