April 11th 2010 – CHELLOW WOODS 1 GC15B67 – Cache #357
Sunday, and another cache series walk to do, this time in Chellow Dene, a small wooded valley with two Victorian reservoirs not far out of Braford city centre – and only a couple of miles from where I was yesterday.
This cache was easy to find, hidden in a fallen tree, but more difficult to replace as an older couple came along the path who seemed very curious about what I was doing (even though at the time I was just sitting on a nearby wall writing in a notebook) and kept looking back at me as they walked along the path… In the end I waited until their view was obscured by a tree, jammed the cache back in it’s hiding place and walked off (I came back at the end of my walk to make sure the cache was properly hidden
April 11th 2010 – Fore Play GCPTJ2 – Cache #358
Yesterday I walked about as far as todays walk, and it took over twice as long as the caches were difficult to find and the hints were pretty vague – like ‘roots’ which is a little unhelpful when you are in the middle of a wood. On this walk the caches were much easier to find as the hints were descriptive of where to find the cache… this one said ‘under a stone between a long log and the wall’… and it was
April 11th 2010 – cHELLOw – Are You In There? GC1EB2J – Cache #359
A cache hidden in a gap in a wall, it was fairly easy to work out which gap it was in as there was only one obviously loose stone.
April 11th 2010 – CHELLOW WOODS 2 GC15B6C – Cache #360
A cache hidden in a huge hole in the wall, I guess the stones that used to make up the wall now lie at the bottom of the reservoir. The hole is so big that the cache still took some finding even though it was in the hole
April 11th 2010 – Chellow Dene Delight GCM048 – Cache #361
The views around here are quite pleasant. I felt a bit like a fugitive covering my trail coming away from this one, I had to scatter the dead leaves back over where my footprints were and where the cache was or it would be obvious where I’d been even if you didn’t have a native tracker on my trail
April 11th 2010 – A Sticky One GC1EEDT – Cache #362
An easy magnetic nano on the back of a signpost… made more difficult as just as I got there a family came the other way and started playing around the waters edge just where I needed to be to put the cache back
April 11th 2010 – CHELLOW WOODS 3 GC15B6J – Cache #363
This was the most difficult to find of the day… though it shouldn’t have been too hard as it was hidden behind a fairly obvious pile of rocks in the roots of a tree…
I couldn’t find it from the GPS co-ordinates so I had to go by the hint. When I did find it the GPS was showing the cache 59feet away with an accuracy of 17ft under the trees… no wonder I hadn’t found it by location alone, I was looking in the wrong place !
April 11th 2010 – cHELLOw Are You There? GC1EB0V – Cache #364
I spotted this when I set off on the walk, but so many people about the car park that I had to leave it for when I came back.
When I got back I retreived the cache but decided it was too wet to try and unroll and sign it… so I just took it’s picture !
which is the headline photograph for this post
April 11th 2010 – End of Lee Lane GC1R8GD – Cache #365
A little layby area at the end of a road, the hint says something about a light and a road speed sign… there’s a street light on the main road with a pair of little speed signs on it, a lamp post on one side of the road with a 30mph sign next to it and a 30mph sign on the other side of the road with it’s own lights… so 3 choices… I got it right… third time !
After this I didn’t find GC1R8G0 Fairy Gates – it’s a magnetic nano on the gates of a health club, there were just too many cars going in and out to stand and search the gates
I also didn’t find GC14KGJ Towpath Walk – because there was a fisherman sitting just a few feet away, no chance of searching closely for the cache
April 11th 2010 – fishermen’s friend GC2486P – Cache #366
A magnetic cache, stuck on a pipe crossing the canal fastened to a bridge. Trouble is there are pipe on both sides of the bridge… easy enough find once I’d searched and failed to find it on the pipes at one side