I think it’s time this site had a new look.
There are lots of things that I don’t quite like about the way it looks at present.
My current thinking is to have one landing page with maybe just the last posting and an index on… and then that leads to all the different categories which will all have different looks…
What I would like to get rid of is the posting date and number of comments in the posts… maybe have the posting date as a closing line on the post… also I’d like to lose the comment section at the bottom of each post, it’s messy and ugly… but I don’t want to lose the comment ability altogether.
So basically I now have to come up with a new front page design and 4 or 5 category designs… because another thing I don’t like about the current layout is the Headline and Featured categories.
This new plan could take some time, and may involve putting a locally hosted version of wordpress on the laptop so I can work on it with out interfering with this site at all until the time for change along.
I started this site in August… wonder if I can finish the redesign by it’s anniversary ?