For several years, including 1997 I suffered from a terrible affliction on the Friday night at WASH called ‘not having a clue what happened’ some believe the incidences were perhaps caused by a large intake of alcohol over a short time, but I think it could have been that someone was spiking my drinks ! I do remember that in 1997 I was looking forward to seeing Bon Jordi, as Bon Jovi were one of my favourite bands at the time, however beyond a vague recollection of a tall singer on stage I have no memory of them at all.

What they said…
… The Israelite, WASH Committee Chairman
1. He is the secret love child of Winston Churchill and Marilyn Monroe.
2. He drives a Skoda with a sign in the back which says “My other car is a Lada”.
3. His ambition is to play a villain in a James Bond movie and he sits at WASH committee meetings stroking a fluffy white cat !
4. He once had to be forcibly restrained from booking The Krankies as the Saturday night cabaret at WASH.
5. There are only four interesting things about The Israelite.
What the Committee said…

Advert in August 1997 Plus News
What the Committee said…
The dates for WASH 97 have now been ratified by National and it will be from 7th to 10th November. The new WASH committee is using feedback gathered from the WASH 96 questionnaire to help plan 97’s extravaganza and would like to give a great big thank you to the 237 people from across 40 different groups who took the time to complete the questionnaire.
The results of the survey were recently published in a newsletter “Wash Spotlight”. If you didn’t see a copy or pick one up at the ANC, please ask your group chairman for one. The most pleasing result was that 99.6% of you thought that WASH was value for money.
Following this, the committee is pleased to announce that the price for WASH 97 is only £1 more than WASH 96 at £39 so you will continue to get excellent value for money.
All comments made in the survey about the caravans or the facilities on site have been passed onto the management of Searles Holiday Park. If you have never been to WASH before, it is held on the North Norfolk coast at Hunstanton.
There are many on-site facilities including a swimming pool, jacuzzi sauna, gym, pool tables, shop, restaurant and, for those too lazy to cook, a chippy ! There is a large venue which includes two bars, with the larger one used for the bands and discos. The smaller Mariner’s is for those who prefer a quiet chat – although you could risk being dragged up on stage to join the Dossers in a rant !
For those of you who saw the photo of the WASH chairman in the last edition of Plus News or complained in your questionnaires about Keith’s comical attire, I can confirm that the rest of the WASH committee are acting on your advice and will be trying to stop him dressing up or wearing red lipstick at WASH 97 !
We had some interesting suggestions on how to make WASH even better (not possible, surely !) including limbo dancing parties, free pot noodles for every caravan, prizes for spotting the most ducks and a Guess The Israelite’s Age competition !
By the way, did anyone use the suggested press release which was sent to the booking officers just after WASH 96 ? If you did and it was successful in getting you some coverage in the local press or radio, please let me know or send me a copy of any resulting articles. Also on publicity, the following idea was suggested by one member – why not advertise for your group using “One’s year’s membership of 18 Plus AND a weekend away for only £ 59” ? Please send any articles or further suggestions for WASH 97 to the Committee.
See you soon !
SUE R – Administration & Publicity WASH Committee Plus News May 1997
What the Committee said…

What they said…
Wonderful WASH Weekend

WASH has always been my favourite 18 Plus weekend. Hunstanton for me typifies the British seaside and I enjoy my annual pilgrimage to West Norfolk. If you’re particularly unlucky I will tell you that Hunstanton is the only English east coast resort where you can watch the sun set over the sea. But down to business.
We got to our caravan early on Friday evening. We were the last of our group to arrive and hence got the smallest bedroom. Fortunately we had been winners in the caravan lottery and had a luxury caravan so even the smallest bedroom was perfectly adequate. The quality features of our caravan, particularly the bas-relief of a dolphin in the shower and the toaster, aroused great jealousy in visitors to our caravan.
For some in our caravan the first priority was to go down to the chip shop to renew acquaintance with the Pukka Pies. We decided that the attractions of the Chinese takeaway in town were even greater and headed down to the bustling (?) centre of Hunstanton. After the very reasonably priced takeaway it was a quick wash and brush up and off to the disco.
We made it just in time to see the first band “Pseudo” and marvel at the DJ’s pronunciation of their name. The other thing that surprised me was that a band made up of teenagers played mostly the same songs as bands did when I was a teenager (some years ago!) They did a very creditable job and set the tone for the weekend.
I particularly liked the name of Friday’s second band, “Bon Jordi”. Tribute bands have been some of the best bands I have seen at numerous 18 Plus weekends over the years and this band was no exception. They ran through Bon Jovi’s greatest hits and whilst the lead singer didn’t quite do for the girls what Jon Bon Jovi would have done I enjoyed the performance.
I seemed to spend the evening working my way round the bottled drinks with funny names and colours at the bar and before I knew it the lights had come on and we were ushered out into the cold.
On Saturday morning I woke brighter than perhaps I deserved and after feeding the ducks it was down to the shops to buy up Hunstanton. We even went into the joke shop and stocked up on a few essentials, including the bargain inflatables.
We managed to entertain ourselves for the rest of the day without going to the karaoke but we were all wrapped up and ready for the fireworks coach when it arrived. A bit of standing around in the cold and a few big bangs later it was back in the coach (sadly without having won a large Winnie the Pooh or Teletubbie at the sideshows) and off to the caravan to microwave our dinner.
Sadly in some ways there didn’t seem to be a fancy dress competition this year although this didn’t stop some people dressing up and one young lady largely undressing, much to people’s general entertainment. Saturday evening started with “Colin Barber’s Madhouse” who obligingly got their chests out to partially compensate for the lack of “Foxx” this year. They managed to sing a few good covers as well. Next up was “China Black” who did what name acts usually do. He sung his slightly limited repertoire to a backing track, then sung one of them again as an encore. It’s a bit of a shame we didn’t get to hear what is obviously a reasonable singing talent do a few more songs.
In my view the last act of the evening were the best. “Charley” were a well-practised and highly technological act. They sang some very good cover versions and their plastic outfits kept the men wondering what would happen if you undid one of the zips!
Sadly we had to go home on Sunday but I’m told that Sunday night’s acts were excellent, particularly Lorraine Crosby, but that one of the afternoon comedy acts was a bit near the knuckle.
I’ve noted the dates for WASH 98 (6th to 8th November) in my diary. See you there!
Staff reporter – Plus News Nov 1997

Karaoke – Like it or loathe it,
there’ll always be some mugs who’ll get up and do it
A funny thing happened…
Sunday nights live entertainment was due to start off with the latest chart sounds from ‘Ultranate’, but for some reason that turned out to be a no show and instead we had the return of ‘Clock’ who had played WASH previously in ’95. Clock had learned a new song in the intervening two years and instead of playing their 3 hits and their new single twice (as they did in 1995) they played 5 different songs this time.

Glenn, Head of Security at Searles for many years,
I think he got used to us in the end !
A funny thing happened…
Of course even in an organisation such as 18 Plus there are still occurences where things don’t go quite right and people let themselves get carried away by too much alcohol and do things they wouldn’t normally have dreamed of doing. One such thing happened to a chap from Bradford called Steve. Steve had been a member for 4 or 5 years, had been on the group committee in a number of positions and had been to WASH a couple of times in the past, he was to all intents and purposes a typical 18 Plus member, but the Friday night at WASH caught him out. We got there early and indulged in an early evening drinking competition before the venue opened, (Archers, Vodka and Pernod – my favourite combination) Steve got very, very drunk and had a bit of a tiff with his girlfriend Liz. Sometime later on in the evening Steve had gone out from the venue into the campsite and in his words had been ‘hit and knocked over by a car’… the only trouble was that the car was stationary and the cars owner (a member of the neighbouring Rothwell group) was in the venue nowhere near his car. Steve got very irate that no-one would believe that he had been the victim of a hit and run attack and demanded that the Police be called to investigate his complaint, not surprisingly no-one took him seriously. Back at his caravan while his girlfriend and the other people sharing with him tried to calm him down he lost his temper, grabbed the bread-knife and threatened everybody then slammed the door so hard that he broke the window.
Next morning the WASH Committee and National Chairman had no option but to ask him to leave the holiday. We never saw him or his girlfriend at 18 Plus again.
What they said…
For those of you that may not know, the WASH weekend is not about getting washed, it’s about getting pissed. And partying. And having a damn good time.
Don’t go expecting to sunbathe. The title (Weekend At Sunny Hunstanton) is a bit misleading. Don’t get me wrong, the sun does shine sometimes, but all it will do is thaw your fingers out ! (if you have dared to remove our gloves !)
WASH parties are famous. The best ones usually collapse the caravan – as Barnsley will testify ! The main venue usually closes at 1am, and the parties start shortly after, which allows people time to pop to their caravans to pick up their booze (or someone elses’s booze !)
The music can range from Seventies (for our more wrinkled members), to heavy metal, to dance, to even the party records such as Agadoo (for our sadder members !) It is therefore vital to bring (a) a decent stereo, and (b) your favourite music. We have attended WASH for a number of years, and have never heard of an opera party, but you never know !
Live Music
There is live music on each night (and also some lunchtimes). The style can vary from new bands such as Let Loose to older artists on the way down such as Sinitta & Edwin Starr.
There is a shop on site, but as WASH is the final holiday weekend before the Winter close, the stocks can be very limited – and fairly expensive. If you wish to do some cooking (that’s with a “c”, not an “f” !) and (haven’t you anything better to do ?) then our advice is to bring food with you (unless it means reducing the alcohol quantity of course !)
Some caravans are equipped with a microwave, but remember not to put a saucepan lid in it if you use it ! (The burning metal smell lingered all weekend !)
The caravan site is about a mile from Hunstanton, but it might as well be a hundred miles as the town is closed in November ! (There may be one or two places open, such as the cafe and Woolworth’s). There is a Sea Life Centre, which is worth a visit – the glass tunnel surrounded by a tank of sharks is particularly entertaining !
The Princess Theatre
This deserves a special mention. There is usually a comedy show on one afternoon and a film on the other, included in the holiday price.
We recommend going to these events – they are a real laugh ! The theatre is full of Plussers, shouting, joking, throwing sweets and having a great time ! We think the staff at the theatre deserve medals for putting up with the mad Plussers !
Things to look out for at WASH…
Mud – there are always large quantities on the caravan site, especially after rain. Sinking past your knees is rare, however
Drunk Plussers in the gutters – can be very amusing to watch !
The Dossers’ Elections – the speeches are only understood by those “in the know” – so get known !
Your Area Chairman buying you a drink – she wants you to stand for something at the Area Conference !
Ex Wharfedale members on their annual get-together ! (Session)
Ducks – they can wake the dead at 7am, so be sure to put bread around your enemys caravan !
Other holidaymakers – a very rare breed in Hunstanton in November !
(Yorkshire Area Magazine Summer 97)
Typical WASH Goings-On

Mel and Tania prepare for the nights exertions
by filling up on pizza and beer.

Andy prepares for the nights exertions
by molesting Sarah, wearing just a towel

After the nights exertions
Zippy and some bloke she brought home manage to overcome the difficulties of two people fitting on a 27″ bench by holding each other very tightly, unfortunately this leaves no room for the duvet
What they said…
Sleepless ! Legless ! Careless
As always, clothing has gone missing at WASH 97. Some poor “cold” Plusser left their coat at the wild party held in caravan 122 on the Saturday night. Obviously the party was so good they did not see the need for any protection from the easterly wind. It was either that or they were too drunk to notice !
If the owner of this garment wishes it to be returned unharmed then please contact me.
CORINNA Sutton Coldfield 18 Plus – Plus News February 1998
What they said…
Weekend at Sunny Hunstanton 1997 Review
This appears to be the general overall view of all the Halesowen members that managed to attend this year. Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed this years WASH, with so many top acts each night and the comedy show maintained its high level of laughs.
Halesowen had nine members attend this year, double last year’s, one member was booked in with Northfield and the rest of us were booked into two four berth caravans. Although small, we were close to the venue and the all important chippy, which made up for the caravan’s failings.
Friday Night : This started with a band called Pseudo and quite honestly I found them to be loud and not very good, but most of the Plussers there appeared to like them, so maybe I’m just getting old ? The next band were Bon Jordi, now we are talking my taste. They performed all the known Bon Jovi hits and apart from being very loud, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, dancing and singing along.
Saturday Morning/Afternoon : Those of us in our caravan missed most of the morning, due to having a long lie in together with a very late breakfast/lunch. We did however enter in the Movie Quiz and although we did not win, we did manage to do very well.
Saturday Night : Several of our members went to the Fireworks, but I gave them a miss, as the thought of standing in the rain and watching soggy fireworks did not appeal.
On the night we had Colin Barbers Madhouse and I found them very entertaining, their Gary Glitter was not very good but their Freddie Mercury made up for it. China Black were ace, shame they only have a few hit songs, maybe they will release some more soon. Charlie, well they were Okay but most of us found ourselfs drifting off into the other room as they did not really appeal to myself or my fellow members.
Sunday Afternoon : I missed Tom Pepper but from the reports I’ve heard, he was very good. The Comedy Show maintained its usual high mix of acts and this year we had a very good drag artist Penny Change, who soon put all the hecklers down. Richard Morton of Channel Five fame was also very good.
Sunday Night : Ultranate were unable to make it but their replacements Clock were fantastic, they really got everyone joining in and dancing. They are definitely the right group to have on the last evening, they managed to get everyone in a party mood. Lorraine Crosby was the final act of the evening and the holiday. She was very good but again after a while I found myself sitting down and chatting with those around me or I wondered off into the other bar.
Over the whole holiday, the music was provided by Tony 2B Roadshow was he was definitely one of the best Plus DJ’s I have seen, certainly better than last years WASH DJ.
Many thanks to all the WASH Committee for a fab holiday.
The journey home was an event in itself, with myself being the leader, making a wrong turn and we almost ended up back at Hunstanton (nearly not quite), just goes to show what a brilliant time I had, as I obviously did not want the holiday to end.
Roll on next years WASH, as Arnie likes to say, “I’ll be Back”.
Cheryl – Halesowen 18 Plus
What they said…
One of the biggest Plus events of the year, the WASH weekend was once again a huge success.
The live entertainment included Bon Jordi (no prizes for guessing where they are from or who they were tributing) who were excellent, Colin Barber and his Madhouse who lived up to their name, and Lorraine Crosby who was Meat Loafs partner in “I’d Do Anything For Love”.
The comedy show was partly on site and partly at the Princess Theatre for some unknown reason. Tom Pepper was funny, but very sexist. We also had a drag queen which was a first at WASH as far as I know. He (she) was quite close to the bone, he “persuaded” one or two Plussers to get up on stage, and included our very own leader, Wendy T. We won’t go into detail about what he did to her … all right then, he sang a boobs song, giving plenty of gropes along the way!!
Wendy said she was very nervous to start with, but got over it, That’s what they all say on their first time!
The date for WASH ’98 is the 6th November, so pencil it in your diary now – if you have a 1998 diary. that is!
Yorkshire Area Magazine Dec 97
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