London Calling, the first Mega event ever held in the centre of London… well I’m no fan of the capital, but I wasn’t going to miss out on a Mega event.
So, early on Saturday morning… early for me at least, before 7:00am anyway, I drove to Menston railway station to start my journey to that London on the 07:02 train.
Author Archives: Fil Northerner
Caches No’s 5561 to 5566 – A Walk Around The Tarn
A little walk around Yeadon Tarn after work to get this new(ish) set of Lab Caches that had appeared.. a straightforward set, nothing really to say about them other than that they were there !
Oh, and to say that Yeadon tarn seems to have developed the name Tarnfield Park, presumably by the council trying to promote it’s leisure facilities
Caches No’s 5550 to 5560 – Meteorgazing in York
Timelord442, better known as Simon, was the youngest person on the Lincs Mega Committee. He is also a student at York University and a keen astronomer, and was holding a night time event in York the Friday night after the Mega to gather together to spot meteors.
So a few of us decided that we ought to support him and headed over to York to stand in the middle of an open space for half an hour
Caches No’s 5520 to 5549 – Lincolnshire Mega 2021 – Part V
Sunday, and the traditional ‘meet the next year’s Mega Committee’ event… West Midlands next year… The description of the event said take part in sgames and races to give a flavour of what to expect next year, as the Commonwealth Games are going to be on in Birmingham at the same time as the Mega…
Caches No’s 5482 to 5519 – Lincolnshire Mega 2021 – Part IV
The Friday of Mega Week was much quieter, an event in the city, but as we had already found all the caches in the city centre there was nothing else to find there, and then a CITO at the old Racecourse, which is now a park and a few caches there…
Then Saturday was MEGA day itself
Caches No’s 5464 to 5481 – Lincolnshire Mega 2021 – Part III
And the next day we went to another of Lincolnshire’s highlights… oh, it was the seaside again.
This time I had a caching companion, Jen of the Wrightgirls who just happened to be working in Lincoln for a month and just happened to have today off… I enjoyed the company – well I always enjoy Jen’s company